Habemus Donald 45-47. Reloaded, stronger, and on a mission to save his country. The most famous US garbage man has put the radical left in the garbage bin of history.
Welcome to Trumpistan and the golden age to the true believers, agony to the scumbags and lowlifes, a decades-long rule, and unlimited wealth to the Trump clan. What pagan shamans started with a legendary but failed storm on Capitol Hill, God accomplished. He saved the President from the bullets and gave back to the American people their very American savior in a stars and stripes-coloured lovefest. With technology and social media moguls on his side, with unchallenged executive power and geopolitical chaos as background scenery the Trump-games shall start. Disruptive, ruthless, noisy. D-47, a plebeian tribune, elected by the angry Joe and Jack, but more importantly chosen by God. Even the dogs and cats are cheering, no more afraid of landing in the immigrants’ saucepans. However, we might be surprised to see a milder and uniting D-47 than expected, preparing for his monument, cementing power for his clan, justifying to be the chosen one, waiting for glorification as the most successful and highest IQ President ever – some might even call him a genius – and of course with a huge distance to any second placed.
The most populist and polarizing President of recent history has drawn the most populist and biased media reaction of all time. Following the news coverage and comments, US and international media are concentrating on Trump endangering democracy, abolishing human rights, starting personal vendettas and putting fire to the world order. The potential and hope this Presidency can bring to the US and the World are marginalia to the broader message of fear and despair we are confronting. A clear sign, that the mainstream media in Western countries have lost it and are indeed dominated by leftwing, liberal, and pseudo-intellectual journalists. Journalism on Trump and his policies has turned into a constant political messaging. Instead of an open and true discourse on policies and consequences, current political analysis is biased with distrust, prejudice, allegations, warnings of a dark future.
The main expectations and consequences of D-47 leadership have been widely discussed and are obvious: tax cuts, new tariffs, immigration crackdown, ending the legal witchhunt, pardoning friends and punishing foes, money machine for the billionaire club, cementing conservative positions in the judiciary, weakening or crushing global institutions and contracts (as far as they can still be weakened), transactional US military presence, Bibi’s satisfaction and the scare of the Mullahs, short-term ending of the Russia/Ukraine conflict. As scary as these policies might look from the perspective of a mousehole, the more interesting they look when you step into the open sky and see the bigger picture. In any case, they deserve serious discourse.
Beyond the stated isolated policies and measures of the new Trump administration the fundamental pillars that underly Trumpism should draw our attention. They make up its true foundation and are the basis of its charm and dynamics. Designed to overcome or destroy our outdated societal models and bloated public governance, which starkly contradict the dramatic changes of technological advance, new economic models, and human/machine symbiosis. These fundamental pillars are in our view:
- Lead a conservative revolution: fight against wokism, take pride in history and roots, reconnect to Christianity (in Western Europe, US, and Latin America) and family values, end the dictate of minorities and underperformers
- Embrace technology: Speed up the technological revolution and infiltration in all sectors of life, build up the infrastructure for the digital world, incentivize all investments in technology, and bring the best brains of the world to your country
- Cut back government intervention massively: deregulation and weakening of the bureaucracy, the concentration of government spending on core areas, building back of the welfare state, liberating labor from the public sector for the private sector, incentivizing work and income
- Bring back core industries and reflate economy: establish value chains of core industries in your country, stop labor cost competition with low-wage countries by pricing them out with tariffs, re-establish wealth and property promise for the middle class, reflate the economy to a healthy risk/return equation
- Bring energy prices down: understand the key role of energy in a digital world, produce as much domestic energy as possible, force global energy prices down, give the cheapest possible energy prices to corporations and consumers
- Establish clan-based governance: put trust in people not systems, loosen barriers between business and politics, make politics and policies success-oriented, prioritize speed and action over precision and discussion
- Interact with the people unfiltered: substitute communication to people through representatives and institutions by direct communication and access through technology, constantly promote your ideas and ask for feedback, be the mirror of the country´s soul, give back power to the people by deregulation and localization of decisions, replace political correctness with clear and honest messaging
Wow, from that perspective the whole story looks quite attractive, and the appeal to voters is all but understandable: converging into a new American golden age and innovation boom. Do they bear the risk of a reduction in democratic checks and balances or lead to authoritarianism? Maybe. Is it the end of democracy, maybe not! Our tired and overengineered societies need an urgent overhaul of social systems, welfare models, and taxation schemes. Legacy structures that had been built on the economics of the Industrial Revolution and mass production must be destroyed but are today largely leading to wrong public incentive structures, overly complex administrations without value creation, reduced performance and productivity, and useless waste of taxpayer money.
Trump and his fans, by instinct, heavenly inspiration, or outsmarting others, are representing the need for a radical and courageous overhaul of our societies and structures. Mirroring the desire of the silent majority for pride and perspective, the promise of a better future. Mirroring also the needs of an economy for systems that support an individualized, tech-based, and networked production model. And mirroring the need for stability and a strong value core in an ever faster-changing world. Fortunately or unfortunately, for the time being, Europe lacks the type of charismatic leaders and money involvement to jump on the Trump train, but this could change faster than many believe. If successful, they might as well lead to the very same changes on the other side of the ocean, like a societal tsunami.
Boom or bust, only the future will show us the success of Trumpism. However, we should give it a fair chance of success, the benefit of the doubt. It has the potential to go viral and global. The country of unlimited possibilities is on the verge to being reborn, and leading the World to the next level of prosperity and growth, maybe …
Very best
Dr. Marc-Milo Lube