POTUS 45: Season 2 Cancelled

OMG. Four years of the White House show on steroids are coming to an end. No season 2, no prolongation. At least we are promised to have a spectacular last episode, a finale furioso with a crescendo of Presidential tantrums, pardons of criminal friends, calls to the arms of the Proud Boys, financial benefits for family and friends, humiliating firings, and an all-time high of a sitting US President arguing that a putsch might be reasonable to defend his stolen big win. The openly stated dream of installing the Trump dynasty for life in Washington following the shining example of the KIM dynasty in Pyongyang has to be put on the shoulders of the next generation.

For all of his personal defects, the one and only RealDonald will soon be missed, when the Gerontocracy has taken over. No more tweets in BOLD LETTERS, no scandalous press conferences, no mafia talk, no more love letters from the shady dictator club, no Trump merchandising, no more public shaming, no viral rants – and how will we miss the great nicknames. How boring will political life be without these big emotions and personal feuds? We will all feel like traveling back in time, twenty years or more, and like moving in slow motion.

And then the Schadenfreude. The bitter revenge of people who have been called morons, human scum, rats, and disgrace; or of countries labeled as shitholes, rapists, and others. No pity for the Narcissist-in-Chief, trapped in his “me, myself and I” corner. Yet, it is pitiful and sad for the great American nation. Once, the winds and waters of this ferocious election have calmed, the afterpains of malicious transfer of power have faded, and the battle cries of the Squad grow louder, we will be able to get a real picture of Trump’s legacy and the prospect of the Biden/Harris Presidency.

Trump Tribute

Thanks to his defects in character and hyper-charged ego, his joy in disruption and destruction, all real achievements of the Trump Presidency have been blurred by countless lies, exaggerations, and the immediate anti-allergic reactions of a hurt, offended and truly biased media world. Looking back one day in the not so distant future, we will have to pay tribute to the Trump Presidency among others for

  • Breaking up the Middle East deadlock and opening new chapters of peace between Israel and at least early movers in the Arabic world. Other leaders would have received the Noble Price of Peace for brokering this breakthrough;
  • Liberating economic forces and strengthening the US economy and business landscape with wide-ranging deregulation and tax decreasing efforts;
  • Questioning and partially reversing unchained globalization;
  • Establishing a conservative majority in the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future;
  • Taking on and challenging China, its military ambitions and unfair business practices like no other world leader dared to do;
  • Jolting the Europeans from their comfortable and everlasting political and strategic hibernation and forcing them to rethink their future priorities;
  • And probably most profoundly: making people interested in politics again through personalizing discussion, adding entertainment elements, polarizing topics, and destroying political correctness. Political debate has changed enormously, millions of people engaged in discussing the future of their country and constituency, historic voter turnout. Blind and deaf pollsters, who never understood how to model the power of emotions, will have to re-invent their methodologies.

The Rude Awakening of Biden/Harris

After the post-election euphoria and the celebrations in the streets are cleaned up, and with a challenging transition and handover of power digested, the Biden/Harris team will face a rude awakening to reality. Expectations of the radical left wing are high, spending desires unlimited while public accounts are empty, unpopular and large-scale tax increases will sour the party mood. All attention will be put on Senate elections in Georgia to conquer a majority and with it the political power for profound changes. Someone will need to carry McConnell and Pelosi out of their office to make space for younger and fresh politicians who can reboot bipartisan initiatives in Washington. International relations are in shatters and while the team will be met open-hearted and welcoming by all the leaders who had suffered from Trump’s bashing, the World has profoundly changed and will not give anything for granted to the US. The elections were a welcome distraction, yet there is a nasty and merciless pandemic raging with dark and depressing wintertime ahead. Political and economic consequences of this election will soon be seen, and we will have a clear picture after the first decisions on key Government positions and after determining Senate elections in January.

Challenging tasks and challenging times ahead. Expect a distribution of responsibilities with Joe Biden acting as Chief Healer and Kamala Harris as Chief Innovator. The new team deserves full of national and international support. The World needs a strong, prosperous, and reliable US to weather present and upcoming global turbulences.

For now, it is recommended to lean back and to enjoy the final episode of Trump leaving the White House. Be mild to Donald, he deserves more credit than he is currently given. And relax in the soothing effect of the new normalcy, which will hopefully bring down hate, aggression, and verbal abuse. I would take bets that Kamala Harris will be the first female President of the United States by 2022, preparing for re-election in 2024.

God bless the United States of America